REST API: Submit Supplier Risk Assessment

Documentation Last Update
End Point - Live
End Point - Sandbox
Description Submit supplier risk assessment request to GRMS
Request Object Type JSON
Request Object
	"PartnerAccountNumber": "CLIENT001",
	"PartnerName": "",
	"PartnerSubDivision": "",
	"SubClient1ID": "SUB-CLIENT-1234",
	"SubClient1Name": "Name of Sub-Client",
	"SubscriptionProgramCode": "PROGRAM-CODE-A",
	"CallBackUrl": "",
	"SupplierRecordID": "CLIENT001-SUP001",
	"ParentCompanyName": "XYZ, Co.",
	"ParentCompanyTaxID": "11-889990",
	"CompanyName": "Supplier, Inc.",
	"CompanyDBA": "Supplier DBA",
	"TaxID": "00-123456789",
	"ContactFirstName": "John",
	"ContactLastName": "Doe",
	"ContactEmail": "",
	"ContactPhone": "800-123-4567",
	"AddressStreet1": "111 Main St",
	"AddressStreet2": "",
	"AddressCity": "Any City",
	"AddressState": "XY",
	"AddressPostalCode": "12345",
	"AddressCountryCode": "US",
	"ProductServiceType": "Product and Services",
	"ProductsOrServicesDescription": "Enter Product/Service Description here...",
	"UnlistedProductsOrServices": "Enter Unlisted Products/Services information here...",
	"RiskTier": "Tier 1",
	"CustomQuestion1": "Enter any custom question here",
	"CustomQuestion2": "Or enter another custom question here...",
	"DiversitySelection": "Diversity Selection 1"
Response Type JSON
Sample Invalid Response
	"Success": false,
	"ResponseCode": 210,
	"ResponseMessages": [
		"API access token is invalid or expired"
	"TransactionIDType": null,
	"TransactionID": null
Sample Success Response
	"Success": true,
	"ResponseCode": 100,
	"ResponseMessages": [
		"Supplier risk assessment request is accepted"
	"TransactionID": "d7ab8fe6-47c8-4657-8e43-2341027441fc"
Request Object Definition
Field Required Data Type Definition
PartnerAccountNumber Yes string GRMS creates a partner account number which is used to identify the partner system as part of the API credentials. (GWXXXX)
PartnerName No string GRMS creates a partner account name which is used to identify the partner system as part of the API credentials
PartnerSubDivision No string
SubClient1ID No string For Supplier Management Platforms, GRMS creates a sub client–ID number to identify their client(s) that utilize GRMS’ services. (GWXXXX)
SubClient1Name No string For Supplier Management Platforms, GRMS creates a sub client–ID name for their clients that utilize GRMS’ services
SubscriptionProgramCode Yes string The GRMS risk assessment program code used for the risk assessment request.
CallBackUrl Yes string A call URL that GRMS will notify client when status of risk assessment request is changed.
GRMS will submit a "POST" to call back url with the risk assessment request transaction ID. Click here for info about call back URL
SupplierRecordID Yes string Unique Supplier Identification Number from requesting system
ParentCompanyName No string Name of supplier's parent company
ParentCompanyTaxID No string Tax identification number of supplier's parent company
CompanyName Yes string Supplier company name
CompanyDBA No string Supplier DBA name(s)
TaxID Yes string Supplier tax identification number (TIN)
ContactFirstName Yes string Main supplier contact first name
ContactLastName Yes string Main supplier contact last name
ContactEmail Yes string Main supplier contact email address
ContactPhone Yes string Main supplier contact email telephone (U.S. \ International Format)
AddressStreet1 Yes string Supplier street address
AddressStreet2 No string Supplier street address 2
AddressCity Yes string Supplier city\town
AddressState Yes string Supplier state\ province\ county
AddressPostalCode Yes string Supplier postal code
AddressCountryCode Yes string Supplier country code (2 characters)
ProductServiceType Yes string A value of: Product | Service | Both
ProductsOrServicesDescription Yes string Dropdown of product and service selection
UnlistedProductsOrServices No string If product or service is not listed on the dropdown selection
DiversitySelection No string Supplier Diversity Status Selection based on dropdown selections.
RiskTier No string Insurance risk tier/level requirement for supplier.
CustomQuestion1 No string Depending on the screening package, GRMS may need to ask the supplier additional custom questions as part of the risk assessment process, the answer to these questions will be displayed here.
CustomQuestion2 No string Depending on the screening package, GRMS may need to ask the supplier additional custom questions as part of the risk assessment process, the answer to these questions will be displayed here.
Response Object Definition
Field Required Data Type Definition
Success NA boolean Return "true" if risk assessment request is sucessfully submitted.
Return "false" if GRMS is unable to process risk assessment request.
ResponseCode NA string GRMS response code for the risk assessment request API call
ResponseMessages NA string array List of messages related to risk assessment request API call
TransactionIDType NA string A code to identify the type of transaction ID return by GRMS. Return code "SUPPLIER-RISK-ASSESSMENT-REQUEST".
TransactionID NA string On success call, GRMS will return a transaction ID, which is record key for the risk assessment request. The client should save this key for future reference. This key is used when pulling risk assessment request.
Response Codes IMPORTANT! The error response codes are NOT HTTP response codes.

The table below lists error response codes that being generated by GRMS Veritas API. All GRMS Veritas API methods/endpoints return a "200" HTTP response code with a JSON body that contains a boolean "Success" field, which indicates whether the API transaction is success or fail. The JSON body also contains numeric "ResponseCode" field, which indicates different response statuses correspond to different technical errors and business rules that being handled by GRMS Veritas API.

Response Code Description
100 Standard success transaction.
200 Standard failure transaction.
201 GRMS's client account number/ID is not found/exist on GRMS Veritas platform.
202 GRMS's client account number/ID is not active on GRMS Veritas platform.
203 API access is not allowed for the provided API credentials.
204 Invalid API credentials.
205 Missing input parameter(s) required by the respective GRMS Veritas API method/endpoint.
206 Invalid input parameter value(s) that being submitted to the respective GRMS Veritas API method/endpoint.
207 Duplicate supplier screening request. GRMS Veritas API finds an active supplier screening request.
208 Supplier screening request record is not found by GRMS Veritas API.
209 Missing GRMS Veritas API access token.
210 Invalid or expired GRMS Veritas API access token.
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