REST API: Programs

Documentation Last Update
End Point - Live
End Point - Sandbox
Description Get a list of available GRMS Risk Assessment Programs
Response Type JSON
Sample Response
		"Code": "ISSPLUS",
		"Title": "iSupplierShield Plus",
		"Description": "iSupplierShield Plus description goes here...",
		"RiskComponents": [
				"Code": "GWL",
				"Title": "Global Watch List Screening",
				"Description": "Screen Supplier againts Global Watch Lists"
				"Code": "EFSR",
				"Title": "Experian Financial Stability Risk Score",
				"Description": "Check of Supplier's Experian Financial Stability Risk Score"
		"Code": "ISS",
		"Title": "iSupplierShield",
		"Description": "iSupplierShield description goes here...",
		"RiskComponents": [
				"Code": "GWL",
				"Title": "Global Watch List Screening",
				"Description": "Screen Supplier againts Global Watch Lists"
Response Codes IMPORTANT! The error response codes are NOT HTTP response codes.

The table below lists error response codes that being generated by GRMS Veritas API. All GRMS Veritas API methods/endpoints return a "200" HTTP response code with a JSON body that contains a boolean "Success" field, which indicates whether the API transaction is success or fail. The JSON body also contains numeric "ResponseCode" field, which indicates different response statuses correspond to different technical errors and business rules that being handled by GRMS Veritas API.

Response Code Description
100 Standard success transaction.
200 Standard failure transaction.
201 GRMS's client account number/ID is not found/exist on GRMS Veritas platform.
202 GRMS's client account number/ID is not active on GRMS Veritas platform.
203 API access is not allowed for the provided API credentials.
204 Invalid API credentials.
205 Missing input parameter(s) required by the respective GRMS Veritas API method/endpoint.
206 Invalid input parameter value(s) that being submitted to the respective GRMS Veritas API method/endpoint.
207 Duplicate supplier screening request. GRMS Veritas API finds an active supplier screening request.
208 Supplier screening request record is not found by GRMS Veritas API.
209 Missing GRMS Veritas API access token.
210 Invalid or expired GRMS Veritas API access token.
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